Do you consider yourself an active person?
Does this statement apply to you? “Right now, I’m not in shape and I don’t know how to get started, to improve.”
Does the following statement apply to you? “I don’t exercise because I’m afraid of getting hurt.”
I always have enough energy to exercise?
Do you consciously look to take the active option such as taking stairs rather than lifts?
Besides from ‘breathless exercise’ on how many days per week do you achieve more than 30 minutes of ‘natural movement daily?’ (Walking, gardening, DIY, housework…)
Do you monitor your active steps with a pedometer? If so on how many days would you achieve 8,000 steps or more.
How many times per week do you exercise until you are breathing heavily for at least 30 minutes?
Do you adapt your exercise program to current recommendations on the basis of a health condition?
Is food and the enjoyment of food a big part of your life?
Do you enjoy preparing and cooking food
Do you feel you have a good understanding of what ‘healthy eating’ means?
Do you eat between meals?
How often do you eat out? (sandwiches, fast food, pizza, barbecue, Chinese food…)
Do you read the nutrition facts table on food labels?
How do you perceive your weight at present?
What is your dominant food source?
If you overeat on a particular day how do you react afterwards?
Do you eat organic and/or locally produced food?
Do you regularly eat slowly and/or not at a table?
Do you regularly experience skin issues such as eczema or dry skin linked to your eating?
How many vegetables do you eat per day? 1 portion = 1 average vegetable, ½ cup fresh, frozen or canned vegetables, 1 cup lettuce, ½ cup vegetable juice
How big is your meat/alternative protein portion per meal? 1 portion = 100g or 3 ounces or the equivalent of the palm of your hand.
How often do you eat unbreaded fish? Excluding oily fish. Tuna, cod, etc.
What kind of dairy products (milk and yogurt ,cheese) do you eat?
What kind of fats do you usually use for cooking
What kind of fats do you usually use as a spread, potatoes, sauces…)
On average what proportion of your plate is filled by grains or starches? (bread, pasta, rice, couscous, potatoes…)
How often do you eat sweets or sugar rich foods (chocolate, table sugar, honey, jam…)
Do you drink sweet drinks? (fruit juice or fruit drinks, soft drinks or energizing drinks, iced tea, lemonade…)
Do you add salt to your food?
How many portions of processed red meat (burgers, sausages, bacon etc) do you eat per week?
What is your average weekly alcohol consumption? 1 drink = 5 oz of wine, 1 beer, 1½ oz of spirits
What time of day is your last caffeinated drink?
How many 500 ml/1/2 pint glasses of water do you drink a day?
I feel my diet is balanced
My hunger feels controlled
I am happy with how I eat
I can control my weight through eating
Do you feel you have enough energy?
Do you believe energy levels are associated with ageing?
Over the past 4 weeks how often have you felt tired or without ‘normal energy’ ?
To recharge when tired I collapse in front of the TV
Do you feel too tired to look after yourself?
Do your good habits fade when you are frustrated, disappointed, discouraged or angry?
I eat quickly, not at a table and whilst working.
Does eating something you feel you shouldn’t have a lasting impact on your good habits?
Is your general mood low and not what you want it to be?
Do you sleep well but seem to wake unrefreshed?
Do you have irregular bed and wake times?
Is your sleep regularly interrupted by factors outside of my control?
Do you always use tv/tablets/phones within 1 hour of going to bed?
I have a stressful life but fell that I cope well.
Do you make conscious choices to help slow down the ageing process??
Do you believe that controlling your health now will influence your risk for chronic disease or longevity?
I feel putting the effort into my nutrition and exercise will benefit me in the future?
Do you take saunas? Infrared or traditional. ?
Do you use self-tan products?
How often do you travel by aeroplane per year?
Do you have any amalgam fillings?
Do you live within 100m of a major road?
Do you smoke or have you been a regular smoker in the last 6 months?
Do you dye your hair regularly?
I am free from aches and pains
I am happy with how my skin looks
I feel younger than I should
I feel I have a strong immune system